What is the purpose of a website?

You wake up drenched in sweat on a hot summer night to discover your air conditioner broke down. After grabbing a cool glass of water from the refrigerator you reach for your phone to find someone to fix your AC. At this moment Google is your best friend and you scroll through a couple websites until you finally give one a call. What made you choose that company? Were they the first link, did you like their company colors, was it the testimonials, or did you just have a feeling that you could trust them to complete the job.

A website can serve many purposes for a business, from sharing a company's story and values to providing a storefront for online shopping. But perhaps most importantly, a website can be a key tool for connecting with a business's customer base and providing clear communication on what is important to the consumer.

"Your website is the center of your digital ecosystem, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door." - Leland Dieno

In order to create a website that effectively connects with customers and aligns with the goals of the business, it's crucial to understand those goals and align all communication with them. This means not promoting products or services that don't align with the company's values or mission. As Seth Godin said, "People do not buy goods or services. They buy relations, stories and magic."

So how can you create a website that aligns with your mission and customers? Here are a few steps to consider:

  1. Evaluate your business, customer base, and culture. Understand who your customers are and what they value, as well as your business's vision and direction. This will help you create a website that resonates with your audience and aligns with your goals.
  2. Develop a clear and compelling message for your website. This message should reflect your business's values and mission, and should be tailored to your audience.
  3. Use design elements and content to reinforce your message and connect with your audience. This could include using specific colors, fonts, or images that resonate with your customers, or creating content that speaks to their needs and interests.

In conclusion, creating a website that aligns with your business and customers is crucial for effective communication and connection with your audience. By evaluating your business, customer base, and culture, and using design and content to reinforce your message, you can create a website that resonates with your audience and aligns with your goals.